Capcom Cup Event Rules and Prizing
Sep 25, 2013 // ComboFiend
For those who were wondering what the prizes and rules are for this upcoming Capcom Cup, wonder no more as they’re explained below.
Capcom Cup Payout
The top places will receive Prizes as set forth below |
1st Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
Street Fighter x Tekken |
$3,000 |
$1,500 |
$500 |
Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 |
$3,000 |
$1,500 |
$500 |
Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition |
$6,000 |
$3,000 |
$1,000 |
Official Tournament Rules
Street Fighter x Tekken Tournament :
- Tournament Format: 8 man double elimination closed bracket
- Game version: Xbox 360
- Game Settings: Versus, 99 seconds, 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games, Default Handicap
- Version 2013 default gem loadouts only
- If the Players do not agree on a stage within 15 seconds of the commencement of a game, the game will be set to random stage select.
- Players may not use any glitch or bug that prevents the game from being played, including but not limited to bugs causing the game to freeze, reset, remove character from play zone or similar results.
- Winner must use same characters and order after a match. Loser may switch characters and order.
Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 Tournament
- Tournament Format: 8 man double elimination closed bracket
- Game version: Xbox 360
- Game Settings: Versus, 99 seconds, 3/5 Games, Default Handicap
- If the Players do not agree on a stage within 15 seconds of the commencement of a game, the game will be set to random stage select.
- Players may not use any glitch or bug that prevents the game from being played, including but not limited to bugs causing the game to freeze, reset, remove character from play zone or similar results.
- Winner must use same characters, order, and assists between games. Loser may switch characters and assists.
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition 2012 Tournament
- Tournament Format: 8 man double elimination closed bracket
- Game version: Xbox 360
- Game Settings: Versus, 99 seconds, 2/3 Rounds, 3/5 Games, Default Handicap
- If the Players do not agree on a stage within 15 seconds of the commencement of a game, the game will be set to random stage select.
- Players may not use any glitch or bug that prevents the game from being played, including but not limited to bugs causing the game to freeze, reset, remove character from play zone or similar results.
- The Winner of a game may change his or her ultra setting, but such change must be made before loser picks character.
- Winner must keep the same character, but may switch ultras between games. Loser may switch characters and ultras.