Street Fighter IV: Chun-Li Anime
Sep 26, 2008 // Grant
This may be old news to a small group, but back in July, at Comic-Con, we did more than let people play the SFIV arcade units. We also had the packed SFIV panel hosted by Ono-san, where he gave juicy info about new characters, showed the new E3 gameplay trailer (cheers and applause everywhere), and also got an exclusive look at the 2nd anime trailer featuring Chun-Li.
Well, we’re finally revealing it to everyone on StreetFighter.com ! So click the pic below to see your favorite girl fighter, hear a bit about Charlie (is he alive?) and even Cammy. Also, while you’re there, if for some reason you haven’t seen it, make sure to check out the 1st anime video, featuring Ryu, Akuma and Ken. You won’t be disappointed. Let us know what you think!
– Grant