Street Fighter III Online Edition Patch Information
Sep 16, 2011 // Vince
Thanks to your excellent feedback, we have created a patch that will address a few bugs that you may have run into while playing Street Fighter III Online Edition. The patch will update the following items –
– Fixes a bug that made it difficult to get into a Ranked Match, especially during times of peak traffic.
– Fixes a bug that could cause players to have very large disconnection percentages (> 100)
– Fixes a bug that could cause characters to become invisible online, or to be displayed with incorrect colors.
– Fixes a bug that sometimes caused Hugo’s combo trial #2 to not detect correctly
– Fixes a bug that permitted an exploit in Trial mode when using “stun” settings
– Fixes some rare crashes
– Improves network stability
– Adds support for additional DLC packs
– Raises the online level cap
The patch is currently going through the submissions process, and we are targeting a 9/27 release date. Make sure to check back as we will have more news about this update.
Also, we are working on another patch that will address some additional items, as well as add some new functionality to the game (hello dummy recording in training mode!).
[Edited By Moderator]