Retro Commercials: Mega Man Legends

Jun 24, 2010 // jgonzo

It’s always interesting to compare how games are marketed here in North America vs in Japan, especially when it comes to Mega Man. When Mega Man Legends came out back in 1998 (1997 in Japan), the video game marketing scene was full of angry yelling and action, action, action! This commercial (above) is pretty much the epitome of that, with the added bonus of an accent in the yelling for no apparent reason. Throw in a catty barb directed towards Mario (“Don’t call a plumber!”) and you got the makings of a classic 90s video game commercial.

Japan took a completely opposite direction with their commercials. One of them (the first video after the break) features servbots and Data in a completely separate-from-the-game CGI mini story. It’s cute, has a lot of j-pop going on, and is a bit strange, but it definitely looks awesome.

However, another Mega Man Legends commercial from Japan takes the cake for greatest MML commercial ever. It’s the 2nd video after the jump and takes a brilliant and hilarious approach to marketing Mega Man Legends. Check it out for yourself, and let us know which of these three is your favorite!