Reminder: Street Fighter X Tekken Fight Club this Thursday
Jan 31, 2012 // Minish Capcom
Wanna play SFxT a full month before release? Then take your nearest plane, train or automobile to San Francisco this Thursday, where we’ll have tons of kiosks set up for not just SFxT, but also Ultimate MvC3 for PlayStation Vita. And seeing as it’s a grand gathering of fighting folks, we also encourage cosplayers to represent Team Street Fighter at the event!
Where: Mighty (119 Utah Street, San Francisco)
When: 7pm (VIP), 8pm-11pm (General Admission)
We have to obey the rules and only allow those who are 21+ into the venue, and the event as a whole is first come, first serve – as in, it may fill up, so arrive early!
See you there!