Asura’s Wrath – Why You Should Care
Feb 01, 2012 // GregaMan
IGN has posted a preview which details the essence of Asura’s Wrath in quite a positive light. If you’ve been feeling confused or on-the-fence about the game, give it a read!
The article explains that the game has some people scratching their heads because it’s simply unique. Not only that, but the gameplay varies drastically from one chapter to the next, with interweaving plot threads rising and falling constantly.
To quote!
“The truth is that Asura’s Wrath has been a bit confusing ever since it was revealed at the Tokyo Game Show in 2010, for one simple reason: it just isn’t a normal game. The gameplay changes with every episode, from on-rails shooting to, um, hot springs simulation.”
And then later:
“What is Asura’s Wrath? It’s an action game, sure, but it’s other things too: interactive film, serialised drama, animation showcase. It’s perhaps more revealing to look at what it isn’t: it’s not typical, it’s not easy to define and it’s certainly not boring. No game that flits so readily between play styles and settings could be.”
Check out the full article here , and don’t forget that there’s a playable demo out already, which you can download off PSN or XBL.
ALSO don’t forget that various retailers are offering a plethora of big pre-order incentives , including Asura Bobble Budds, DLC modes, and an Asura’s Wrath comic from Penny Arcade.