Rare Japanese DmC song downloadable here

Mar 02, 2015 // GregaMan

Many moons ago, we received an inquiry on the DmC forum asking for information on the song used in a Japanese trailer for DmC. Though intended primarily for Japan’s audience, the trailer and the song captured a great deal of attention overseas, though info regarding the tune was evidently scarce.

I’m sorry to say that the forum inquiry went by unnoticed by staff here until quite recently, when DmC: Definitive Edition Producer/good samaritan Rey Jimenez stumbled upon it and did some digging. Thanks to him, I am now able to not only tell you about the song, but also give it to you as a free download, complete with lyrics!


The song, entitled “The Roar Within,”   was composed by veteran Capcom musicman Tetsuya Shibata, who worked extensively as a composer on the original  Devil May Cry  series, with lyrics by Donna Burke, who is recently notable for her contributions to  Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.  Amazingly, the song was composed exclusively for DmC’s TGS 2011 trailer, and has appeared nowhere else since.

Donna Burke

Shibata-san now has his own company, Unique Note , but retains a relationship with Capcom, as evidenced by “The Roar Within.”

T etsuya Shibata

And there you have it. Apologies for the extremely long wait, but I’m very happy to now be able to bring you this info as well as the song itself. Big thanks to Rey Jimenez for facilitating this, the Japan staff for sending over the info and song, and the curious fans for continually pestering us about this!