New Dead Rising movie footage helps keep the hunger in check

Mar 02, 2015 // GregaMan

If January’s teaser trailer for the upcoming live action Dead Rising flick,  Dead Rising: Watchtower  left you hungry and shambling for more like the proverbial undead, you’ll definitely want to check out the latest new footage, brought to us courtesy of Fangoria .

Quoth Fangoria:

While most horror fans are understandably skeptical of video game adaptations within the genre, the first trailer for DEAD RISING: WATCHTOWER has definitely helped to silence skeptics.


As you can tell from the above clip, WATCHTOWER doesn’t seem to be as grievously dour as THE WALKING DEAD; instead, the film looks to be capturing the panic-filled atmosphere and the fun bloodshed of the game in proper form.”

Phew, that’s a relief, amirite??

DR: Watchtower  promises to be a fun-filled gorefest refreshingly faithful to its source material when it launches as a Crackle exclusive on March 27th. Can’t wait!