Raccoon City, Super Street Fighter IV AE, and Street Fighter X Tekken are dirt cheap/FREE
Feb 22, 2014 // Chris
360 owners get a Resident Evil and/or a Street Fighter for $10, Vita owners get SxT for NUTHIN’
Man, it’s been a pretty crazy week for Capcom sales, but hey, feels good to save, don’t it?! For Xbox 360 players, two new games have popped up in Xbox 360’s Ultimate Game Sale , and they’re both only $10 bucks. But don’t be jealous, Sony lot! If you’ve got a PlayStation Plus subscription, you can download Street Fighter X Tekken FREE on PS Vita.
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (360) – $9.89
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (360) – $10.00
Street Fighter X Tekken (Vita) – FREE
WARNING: The 360 sale with RE:ORC and SSF4 only lasts until tomorrow , February 21st. You’ve got some time to download SxT. If you’re keeping track, also note that Asura’s Wrath is still $8 on 360 and Remember Me is currently FREE with PS+ . Yeah, this should all make for a very nice weekend.