Presenting the “Day With Dante” Contest Results
Dec 08, 2011 // GregaMan
Last month we asked you to send in your best photoshopped pics of Devil May Cry ‘s Dante in everyday scenarios. What would Dante be like at the movies? On a train? Waiting in line at the horrible, horrible Department of Motor Vehicles? We left it up to you to decide, and several of you did!
Hit the jump to see all the entries and our winning selection.
Mr. FanaticalGamer poses with some Capcom VIPs.
Ayaka_Shizuki ‘s picture has class, though this is arguably not an everyday scene.
WRONGonRED offers this chilling image. Would’ve been “cool” to see Dante armed with the ice ‘chucks, though.
Melissa ‘s submission gets extra cool points for the rad graffiti art as well as for plausibility.
Mario has DmC Dante pegged as an Ultimate Marvel player. Technically this contest was to promote the Devil May Cry HD Collection, but we never did specify, so I deem this kosher.
It’s “A Day With Dante,” not “A Steamy Night With Dante”! Still, if this contest were judged on sexiness, Stefanie just might have been our victor. What is that, hamburger meat?
AceD018 theorizes that Dante is an attorney at law by day. An. . . ace attorney, mayhaps? Also, speaking of law, we had to edit the phone number for legal reasons! Sorry, buddy.
The Blue Badger points out that even the very powerful carry baggage.
Woo-hoo! A great action shot. Thanks to Jacob for this one.
It’s Cross Counter Live, featuring Dante as the wise guy! Props to Jin for this one.
Man, Dante gets political in his off time. Courtesy of Metalhart .
That gal in the red dress may well turn out the be the devil, in which case play and work might end up mingling for ol’ Dante here. Thanks, Tim .
Yeeeeah, he’s probably got some metal on him. Right on, Stella .
Aaaaand that about covers it. Oh! You’re probably still wondering which submission we liked best. Well, here it is:
Dante rockin’ out with his Nevan electric axe, all in the name of saving an adorable pile of (Welsh?) corgis!!! Good to see this weapon being used for something peaceful. And well, you can’t really argue with corgis, now, can you? Congrats to HammerShark , who will receive a shiny new Blu-Ray of the Devil May Cry anime series in its entirety.
Big thanks to all who submitted! Stay tuned for more Devil May Cry -related hijinks.