Decide the Fate of Two Worlds this Weekend with Members vs. Mods
Dec 07, 2011 // GregaMan
This Friday & Saturday at about 7 PM PST (we’ll be doing this for a few hours), you can play some Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 matches against us with other members here on Unity for fun! If you wish to partake, PLEASE let us know which console you’ll be playing on. We’re gonna offer something neat for this event: A special badge! To earn one of these badges, here’s what you need to do: 1.) Win 3 matches against a mod or mods (you can win against 1 mod 3 times, twice against 1 mod, then another win with a different mod, or win one match against 3 different mods). 2.) Once fulfilling these requirements, PM me with the username or gamertag/PSN username of the mod(s) you won against, since we need proof that you won those matches. 3.) Within a few days, the badge above will be added to your account & displayed under your post count on each of your posts. While a full list of mods isn’t confirmed yet (I’m still making sure), I’ll list the ones that will be available this weekend, plus their console. Also, you can discuss the event in the Members vs. Mods thread . MODS: 360: Zonic Will Thamantor Yama PS3: d3v Shinkuu Deva Ashera Espiownage