Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney WiiWare Available Next Week!
Jan 06, 2010 // jgonzo
Episodes 1-4 will be included, with episode 5 coming down the line later as DLC.
In other Ace Attorney news, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is coming to the DS on February 16th (which you already knew). The new info is that we can confirm that a demo for the DS will be made available for download on the Nintendo Channel a few weeks before!
Finally, congrats to the winners from our last AAI:ME contest: lusankya , tongaridan , and Dave Kaminska ! Please shoot me a PM to collect your prizes!
We’re so hyped about Ace Attorney, that we’re throwing ANOTHER contest! Please leave a comment below letting us know who your favorite character is in the Ace Attorney series and why! We’ll be giving out Ace Attorney related swag as prizes. We’ll randomly select the winners and post them in the future. Have fun!
More specs for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney after the break!
Platform: WiiTM
-Service: WiiWareTM
-Genre: Adventure
-Download Start Date: January 2010 (Episodes 1-4)
-Price: 1,000 Wii PointsTM
-Free Blocks Required: 302 (tentative)
-ESRB Rating: TEEN (suitable for ages 13 and older) with Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence
-Episode 5 is scheduled to be available for download as add-on content starting May 2010