Announcing Final Fight: Double Impact – Color of Conflict Contest!
Jan 06, 2010 // Mr2nique
To celebrate the upcoming release of Final Fight’: Double Impact, Capcom would like to reach out to you, the fans, to provide color to its box art. That’s right, this game will feature YOUR work right on the box for millions to enjoy.
For those who don’t know, Double Impact celebrates two of the most highly-regarded arcade titles of all time, Final Fight and Magic Sword, by bringing them out in online-enabled, fan-serviced perfection.
We at Capcom respect how important this title is to the public and would love to get you involved. By involved, we actually mean “put to work,” but fear not, there is much to be gained through your efforts.
All YOU have to do: Color this awesome art done by Udon’s incredible artist Alvin Lee .
Click to learn more or head directly to www.finalfightgame.com to enter.
What you Win:
One grand prize winner will receive an all-expenses paid trip for two to New Orleans, where you will have the opportunity to take part in Capcom’s exclusive Captivate event.
You will experience first-hand some amazing new games, and you’ll meet the diligent and occasionally magical Capcom staff. There is no telling what great things this may lead to. But we’ll tell you something: Your work will be featured as the main box art for FF:DI.
On top of all this, you will receive a poster of your beautiful work and a free copy of the game, as well as some additional swag.
Even if you are not into games, hey… free trip to New Orleans !
The 4 runners-up will also receive a free copy of Final Fight’: Double Impact and some goodies.
What to do:
That’s it. Color this art anyway you want:
Crayons? Sure.
Oils, acrylics? Alright.
Photoshop, Illustrator, MS Paint? Why not.
Blood?… Possibly not a good idea.
We have a piece of artwork created by the fantastic art house of Udon Entertainment, done by one of their most esteemed artists, Alvin Lee. Alvin’s work is amazing. To be honest, the piece is gorgeous as-is, but will be perfect when colored. And that’s what you need to do.
How to Start:
Go to: www.finalfightgame.com to download the art piece in JPEG or PDF format. If you’re using traditional (read: physical) coloring methods, be sure to print out the piece, or else your monitor might get a bit messy. Otherwise, you are set. Get to work!
How to Submit:
Either email your work to us or use postal mail.
Email submissions must be in by January 25, at noon (Pacific Standard Time).
(The submission file should not exceed 5mb; Otherwise, the email may bounce. If your file is bigger, please send a smaller copy, keeping your file as a master copy. We may need it later.)
Or if you want to send via post, submissions must be postmarked by January 25 to be considered eligible.
Mail to:Capcom, Attn: Robert Tunick, 800 Concar Drive, Suite 300, San Mateo, CA 94402
Note that we won’t be able to return entries that are mailed to us, so be sure to make peace (and take a picture or two) before putting it in the mailbox.
Who Wins?
All submissions will be reviewed by the Capcom staff and the top 5 contenders will be featured online for all the world to see and vote. Again, we want to make sure the fans get what they want, and that includes what’s on the cover of Final Fight’: Double Impact.
Voting will take place on www.capcom-unity.com during the week of February 1.
Can I Win?
Are you over the age of 13? Check
Do you reside in these United States of America? Check.
Do you want to read the full rules of the contest? Sure, here you go.
You are good to go. Get coloring!