Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies – New characters and screenshots
Jul 02, 2013 // Chris
If there’s one thing no one objects to, it’s spankin’ new info and artwork for 2nd of PW:AA Dual Destinies…
Today we’ve got a bunch of awesome Phoenix Wright details for ya and it’s all centered around Case 2 of Dual Destinies, which involves a murder in a mansion where the clues seemingly point to a… legendary demon called Tenma Taro?! * GASP!*
During your “trials and tribs” you’ll be introduced to characters brand new to the series, such as…
Jinxie Tenma , a traditional-looking lass who works in the mayor’s mansion as a maid. Another fresh face comes in the form of a new gunsho-er, detective…
Bobby Fulbright , a boisterous man with slick hair and a gleaming white suit… doesn’t he immediately strike you as helpful and cooperative?
CLICK HERE to see all of today’s new PW:AA Dual Destinies screenshots
But, Good Lord, tell me poor Phoenix doesn’t have to tackle all this alone? Nay ! He’ll be joined by to pleasantly familiar faces who just so happen to be attending an event in the village of Nine-Tails Vale…
Apollo Justice ! Back and looking a little battle-worn, and accompanying him is none other than…
CLICK HERE to see more PW:AA – Dual Destinies Character Art
Trucy Wright , a young magician/up-and-coming attorney/adopted daughter of Phoenix Wright! Together they’ll tackle the mythical murder by scouring the crime scene for evidence, challenging testimonies with investigative skill, and by using the all-new Mood Matrix ability to read the emotional state of witnesses. Peep the trailer below to see the new technique in action.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies hits the Nintendo 3DS eShop this Fall . Until then, we encourage fans and series newbs alike to check out the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD that just came out for iOS (it’s FREE to download!) Head here to see more screenshots, chracter art, and everything else Phoenix Wright .