10 more Project X Zone crossover contest entries
Jul 02, 2013 // Minish Capcom
We’ve announced the winners , we’ve posted a round of honorable mentions , but we’re still not done! There were so many great submissions we just gotta keep ’em coming!
Nemesis X Amy ( Aaron Price )
Cammy X Blackrose ( Amber G )
Morrigan X Kite ( acraignavie)
Zero X Jin ( bluestar189)
MMX X Sonic ( Bryan T )
Poison X Reiji ( Chase G )
MM X Jin and Wily X Heihachi (David K)
Frank West X Ulala ( David Poole )
Dante X Jin ( Deon E)
Morrigan X T-Elos ( Deva )
More (and full size pics) in the gallery
And I dare say, there are many more to come 🙂