Peek into the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate E-Guide by Brady Games

Mar 18, 2013 // Yuri Araujo

Curious to see what’s inside the  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate  E-Guide? I bet you are! And that’s why Brady Games kindly shared two pages on their Facebook page . It’s just a quick taste but it gives a pretty good idea of what’s in store – that is, an awesome collaborative effort between Brady Games and Enterbrain (the authors of the Japanese  MH3G guide!)

And just so you know, it’s got way more than 250 pages… think more like: over 500! And it comes free if you pre-order the game from GameStop ! You’ve only got a couple of hours left… so hurry!

(Of course, you’ll be able to purchase the E-Guide later, but you can’t pass that deal, can you?)