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One week left for Street Fighter 25th anniversary music and art submissions

Apr 26, 2012 // Minish Capcom

We’re still looking for your best fan art and music submissions as part of Street Fighter’s impending 25th anniversary – the deadline is next Friday (5/4) so keep that in mind if you’re thinking about participating! As an example of a solid musical entry, I grabbed this thumpin’ Skullomania remix from Kei Akai…

Any and all Street Fighter-related media is appreciated – props to Kei for digging deep and showing some Amusementive Crime love!

Head here for art submissions

Head here for music submissions

While we still can’t say precisely what these are for, I can vaguely hint at the fact you’ll see them down the road elsewhere. 🙂 Many thanks to all those who’ve entered so far, and keep ’em coming!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering about the Fight Stick giveaway from a couple of weeks ago, winners have been chosen and will be announced in next week’s podcast!