GameSpot interviews fighting pros, talks future of the genre and more
Apr 27, 2012 // Minish Capcom
If you were hoping for 4000 words about the state of the fighting game scene, what makes the genre so appealing and where it might head in the future, then you are in (a very specific type of) luck. GameSpot recently posted this hefty interview with four famous faces, so head over there for the full story.
Our own Seth Killian was part of the interview, along with Maximilian (Online Warrior Productions, aka “Assist Me!” and other good stuff we’ve posted), MikeZ (of Skullgirls fame) and Team NINJA’s Yosuke Hayashi. Here’s a quick sample Q&A from Seth:
Why do fighting games need to evolve?
While I think there is still room for different ideas about what could make for a great fighting game, in the near term, I think the most productive evolutions will be around, rather than within, the games.
There’s already interest from a good player base, and the games at their core are so good that they can literally provide decades of entertainment, but they also present a series of challenges and barriers to new players, as well as a set of burdens on existing fans. It’s solving this equation that will be the key. Next steps are all a manner of improved educational outreach–from improved training modes, to live streaming, to new ways to connect players with one another. It’s creating a community that can really drive things forward beyond a publisher’s limited marketing campaigns and make the games take on a life of their own.
There are a lot of very challenging variables to balance to keep fighting games hot, but as with so many other pursuits, the best things in life aren’t easy.