Not pony tails or cotton tails, but….t-shirts..woohoo
May 31, 2013 // JimmyRey
The summer fashion question, HD or 8 bit?
Well…Avatar tshirts that is. Hi there Unity! Looonnngg time no talk. I don’t think I’ve posted a blog entry since I worked on Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 almost two years ago. Currently, I have the honor of working with WayForward on DuckTales Remastered. The reaction to the announcement at PAX was phenomenal. Right after the panel, I had random strangers coming up to me to shake my hand to say thanks for bringing back DuckTales.
More after the jump:
We’ve been a bit quiet since the announcement and some interviews after GDC, but all of that will be changing shortly. The world of Marketing is a mysterious and nebulous blob that a Producer like me stays clear of, but the Marketing gods tell me with E3 around the corner, it’s about time to start cranking it up for the imminent release this summer. So look forward to more media and info on the game soon.
The give you a little something to look at before we start revealing more about the game I wanted to give you a preview of 2 free Xbox 360 Avatar unlocks that we’re offering with DuckTales: Remastered. By completing a couple of tasks in the game, you’ll be able to unlock an HD Scrooge and an 8 bit Scrooge Avatar tshirt. Did I say free? Oh why yes I did.
Well, I hope that’s a cool little bonus for you guys and I look forward to reading on fan reaction after E3. Don’t forget to relive your childhood by picking up DuckTales: Remastered later this summer on PSN, XBLA, Wii U eShop, and…….and that’s it for now. I have a weird habit of ending a list with an unnecessary “and”…..don’t know why I do that.