How much is the Spencer Estate actually worth?
May 31, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Let’s say you’re in the market for a big creepy mansion filled with biological horrors. Well then, have we got a deal for you! Turns out the Spencer Estate – tucked inside the Arklay Mountains – is something of a bargain if you’re able to uh, deal with a few lingering problems.
Real estate site Movoto posted this juicy infographic that breaks down the costs, which includes narrowing down a real-life location to place the fictional Raccoon City.
Interesting! As someone who spent a fair amount of time in the Ozarks (look, I went to Branson a lot as a kid) it’s kind of cool to think of that area as a potential ground zero for all of RE.
There’s also a blog post that explains some of the rationale behind these figures – check it out , plus look at their other entries on Tony Stark’s mansion , Hyrule Castle and more!