New Unity Auctions and Raffles: PS3/360 SFIV Wraps, and Capcom Calendars
Feb 03, 2009 // Snow
I just put up some new Unity Auctions and Raffles for you guys to go start bidding on. I managed to snag a few proto-type PS3 and 360 SFIV skins/wraps. Also grabbed a few sets of the EVO 2008 Official Tournament DVD set to include with the wraps.
There’s the Chun-Li and Ken wrap pictured above, and below is the 360 and PS3 character wraps.
And finally the new Raffle is two 2009 german calendars for Devil May Cry 4, and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. Remember, you need to be logged in to start bidding. If you need some direction on how and where to find the Auctions, check out this thread . Good luck, and happy bidding!