DMC 4 Fan Made Trailer: Full of Win!
Feb 03, 2009 // Snow
I don’t need to say a ton about this trailer other than it was created by Ben Sterry , and it’s one of the coolest DMC 4 videos I’ve ever seen. And not just fan created videos, but of ALL the DMC videos I’ve watched. Just watch and see what I’m talking about. He created the music to go along with the footage he captured. Even won an award for it! He’s a little clip from him about the video;
“I needed to write and create some music for my major project, so I could complete my Music Degree.
I chose the genre of video game music, and edited footage capture recorded from Capcom’s Devil May Cry 4 to my music track ‘Vexations’.
I ended up winning the Roland UK music Prize for creative Excellence (2008).”