New Resident Evil 5 Episode “Desperate Escape” Now Available
Mar 03, 2010 // jgonzo
For those of you that have been waiting for the additional Resident Evil 5 DLC, today’s the day that it arrives for Xbox Live (tomorrow on the PlayStation Network). For 400 MS points ($4.99 on the PSN), you’ll be able to download the latest downloadable chapter, Desperate Escape, which features fan favorite Jill Valentine and new playable character Josh Stone.
RE5 spoilers ahead!
RE5 players will find out just what happened to Jill after her mind control device was taken off, and how she ultimately met up with Chris and Sheva during their final encounter with Wesker.
But that’s not all! You’ll also be able to download the latest costume pack featuring Chris Redfield’s Heavy Metal costume and Sheva Alomar’s business outfit for 160 MS points ($1.99 on PSN).
With each purchased DLC, you’ll also get new characters to play with in the brand new Mercenaries Reunion: “Desperate Escape” will get you Rebecca Chambers and Josh Stone while “Costume Pack 2” will get you Chris and Sheva!
For those of you waiting for the retail edition of all of this content, Resident Evil 5: Gold edition will be available March 9 for only $49.99, will include the original Resident Evil 5 game plus all downloadable content on a single Blu-Ray disk for PS3. For the Xbox 360, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition includes the original Resident Evil 5 plus a token for all downloadable content.
Hit the jump for the full press release!
How are you handling those Resident Evil cravings these days? Need another dose of one of Capcom’s most celebrated and intense action series? Well fret not because Capcom has just released its second DLC episode for the critically acclaimed horror game Resident Evil 5. “DESPERATE ESCAPE” is now available on Xbox Live and will be available tomorrow, March 4 th on PlayStation Network! I suggest you make a b-line to your closest gaming console and check out the next chapter in this nail-biting series.
This, the second major story pack for Resident Evil 5, pairs Jill Valentine and Josh Stone in another harrowing lost chapter of the Resident Evil 5 story. Freed of a mind control device, a fatigued Jill Valentine finds herself awakened by BSAA agent Josh Stone. Jill and Josh must work together to escape from the Tricell facility under the darkness of night.. Players will fight-off unrelenting waves of enemies in heart pumping blockbuster action, guiding Jill and Josh as they race to assist Chris and Sheva in their final showdown with Albert Wesker.
Also available are new costumes for use in the RE5 campaign which add new flair to both game-play and cut scenes. Costume Pack 2 includes Chris Redfield’s “Heavy Metal” costume and Sheva Alomar in her new “Business” outfit.
Not only is there a new episode and new costumes, but the remaining four of eight characters for THE MERCENARIES REUNION are available if you download both DLC packs. “DESPERATE ESCAPE” includes Rebecca Chambers and Josh Stone; while Costume pack 2 not only includes Chris and Sheva’s new costumes for the main storyline, but they are also playable characters in THE MERCENARIES REUNION. Each character has their own unique weapon load outs, providing players with additional challenges as they shoot down as many enemies as they can within the time limit.
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition , available March 9 for only $49.99, will include the original Resident Evil 5 game plus all downloadable content on a single Blu-Ray disk for PS3. For the Xbox 360, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition includes the original Resident Evil 5 plus a token for all downloadable content.