Mega Man 10 (Wii) Review Round Up
Mar 03, 2010 // jgonzo
Mega Man 10 released on Monday for the Wii and reviews have already been coming in! Check out what the reviews have been saying:
Game Informer gave the game an 8.75/10:
Overall, Mega Man 10 offers all the nuts and bolts a diehard blue bomber fan could want in a retro sequel, while boasting even more content than Mega Man 9 with all its DLC combined. The game’s technical ambitions are modest and it’s not a life-changing experience, but it delivers nostalgic fun in truckloads. Franchise newcomers who crumbled at Wily’s merciless hand in the past shouldn’t shy away from this great downloadable title.
IGN gave it an 8.5/10::
While the classic Mega Man gameplay shines through in the game’s main campaign, there are plenty of extras that will keep gamers busy as well. For instance, Time Attack mode makes its return in Mega Man 10 (having first been seen in Mega Man 9), allowing gamers to work their way through unlocked stages as quickly as they can. Times for each stage are kept on an internet high score board for all to view, so there’s plenty of incentive to master these stages (and indeed, beating the game will also put that time on an scoreboard accessible with the Wii’s Wi-Fi connection as well).
Gamespy gave it 4/5 stars :
Levels are livelier and more intricate…colorful themes do as much justice as possible to a collection of bosses that count dudes like Sheep Man (who uses electricity as his obligatory weapon and stage theme) and Strike Man (a robotic baseball) among them…It’s evil, it’s punishing, and (most importantly) it’s fun.
What do you folks think of the game? Let us know in the comments!