New DLC for Monster Hunter: Challenge Quest 4
Aug 14, 2009 // Snow
Today there’s a brand new Challenge Quest for Monster Hunter Freedom Unite available for download! It’s G rank, and you can only bring one other person with you, so be prepared for a hunt that will put your skills to the test. Here’s the details:
“Become one with the monsters by knowing how they think; that’s the best way to beat them! That’s what this training is for. Use this equipment and get inside the heads of those beasts!”
Monsters: Emerald Congalala, Pink Rathian, Nargacuga
Area: Old Jungle (Day)
Requirements: G Class (HR 7 Or Above Only)
Reward: 21,000z
Three monsters, one heck of a challenge! Over the weekend we’re inviting you to come hunt with us! We’ll be playing online via the PS3 in AdHoc Party under the PSN ID, Snow_Infernus. We’ll be recording the matches, and putting up some clips of the hunts later. We’ll be hunting in the evening, so keep your eye on AdHoc Party room G8, and look for the house called “Snow.”
See you online!