Mega Man Marathon Starts Today
Aug 14, 2009 // jgonzo
The folks over at TheSpeedGamers are putting on a marathon today in which they plan to go through a ridiculous amount of Mega Man games within a 72 hour time limit to raise money for earthday.net . Go over to their site, where they plan on streaming the gameplay and providing a chat room for commentary. For a full list of games that they will be playing, hit the jump!
Mega Man 1-3
Mega Man 4-6
Mega Man 7-8
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 64 (Legends)
Mega Man Legends 2
Mega Man and Bass
Mega Man X-X3
Mega Man X4-X6
Mega Man X7
Mega Man X8
Mega Man X Command Mission
Mega Man Network Transmission
Mega Man Battle Network 3
Blue Mega Man Zero 1-4