Monster Hunter cosplay photos from Anime Expo 2015, part 3
Jul 30, 2015 // Yuri Araujo
We’ve seen amazing hunters and beautiful Guildmarms , now it’s time to see some group photos and even more hunters from Anime Expo 2015:
And with all that, our series of Anime Expo 2015 cosplay photos comes to a conclusion. Be sure to check out part 1 and part 2 for more shots of individual cosplayers and a couple more group photos.
I also wanted to send a big thanks to Kinokashi and her team for organizing this annual cosplay gathering; and a big thanks to all the cosplayers who took the time (and lots of effort and materials) to make awesome MH cosplay. It was really something special to see all you in one place with real-life armor sets and made me really glad to be part of this community. It also really made me want to cosplay as hunter one day, but that’s besides the point. =P
It’s also worth noting that I was not the only one there taking photos, and I know for a fact that I missed a couple of cosplayers throughout the event (Caravaneer and Najarala gunner come to mind), so please look out for more AX2015 photos on the web (here’s a popular set on Tumblr , for example).
Thanks again for being so awesome! Keep it up, hunters!