Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition Style Tournament – Round 2 Results, Round 3 Rules
Jul 31, 2015 // GregaMan
Dante is one of the most complex action characters in gaming, but that didn’t stop our Round 2 entrants from making his gameplay look like second nature. With expert displays of inertia, distortion, jump canceling, and more, you guys broke so many laws of physics I nearly had to notify the authorities. Anyway, hit the jump for our Round 2 community vote results as well as the rules for Round 3, which starts now!
The Dante round came down to a close vote between Essedieffe and SpawnShooter . In the end, Essedieffe eked by with the majority vote at 30%, beating out SpawnShooter’s 28%. GarudaPSN once again secured the third-place position with 20% of the vote.
Congratulations to our Round 2 winner and second tournament Finalist, Essedieffe!
Now then! Onto the rules for Round 3!
First, be sure to check the initial tournament post for important information about how to submit.
Round 3 Rules:
Character: Trish
Difficulty: Son of Sparda
Modifiers: Turbo Mode is optional! You may choose the costume of your preference.
Mission: 12
Fight: “Meeting Room” fight, against the Mega Scarecrows.* You do not have to perform the entire fight in 60 seconds, but the clip itself must be limited to a 60-second (or shorter) piece of the fight. It may, of course, be shorter than 60 seconds.
*Yes, this is the same as the Dante fight, but I think the Mega Scarecrows hold a lot of potential for Trish as well. We’ll switch it up again for the Lady round.
Deadline: Monday, August 3rd @12:00pm (noon) PDT
Good luck, and may the most stylish player win!