MMLC Robot Master List: Napalm Man
Aug 18, 2015 // GregaMan
Number: DWN-039
Weapon: Napalm Bomb
Weakness: Crystal Eye
A robot who protects Dr. Wily’s secret munitions factory. The explosive range of his Napalm Bombs isn’t as wide as it appears to be. So don’t worry, and just dodge.
Finally, a Robot Master that looks like he was designed to do some damage! Napalm Man is quite literally a walking tank—a bipedal robot with tank treads for feet, armed to the robo-teeth with explosives. No frills, no gimmicks, just firepower. By this point in the Mega Man series, you’ve already fought robot birds, robot fish, robot shrimp, robot hippos, and all manner of impractical costumed clown. You’ve got to wonder why Dr. Wily didn’t just start with Napalm Man.
Napalm Man will use an array of missiles as well as his trademark Napalm Bomb to lay some serious pain down on Mega Man. Lean on the Crystal Eye weapon to make the fight a little easier, but make sure you don’t miss any shots! They’re a hot commodity in this fight. Beat Napalm Man, and his bombs are yours.
David Oxford (The Mega Man Network)
A submarine, a helicopter, and even a steam engine… why did it take Dr. Wily so long to get around to making a Robot Master based on a tank (complete with tread feet, no less)?
Napalm Man’s heavy-duty appearance and armaments are just awesome to behold, and makes for one of the more memorable moments in the opening to the Ruby-Spears cartoon show. As such, it’s all the greater a shame that he never actually got to appear in a cartoon episode itself, especially since his modified design for the show’s aesthetic looks even more wicked!
Despite being named for it and even having his main weapon be the Napalm Bomb, his attacks don’t seem to have very much to do with the actual real-life weapon/substance. Even so, Napalm Man has proven to be one of the more controversial Robot Masters in the series’ history.