MMLC Robot Master List: Charge Man
Aug 17, 2015 // GregaMan
Number: DWN-038
Weapon: Charge Kick
Weakness: Power Stone
Yeah, I think we can all agree that steam locomotives are cool, but what if you made one that replaced those inefficient wheels with big, meaty legs, and gave it thrice as many cow pushers? Why, then you’d have Charge Man.
Now Charge Man is a pretty burly dude, so rather than devise some clever strategy to take out the Blue Bomber, he’s content to just “charge” at you full-force, striving ceaselessly to occupy the space you’re in. This can make for a frustrating fight, but carefully timed jumping and sliding will see you through it. Just watch out for when he spews flaming hot coals from his smokestack.
He also has a weakness to the Power Stone, and let’s face it, who doesn’t have a soft spot for the Dreamcast series’ unique brand of frantic, arena-based combat? Bwahaha, a little Capcom humor for you. Seriously though, equip Stone Man’s weapon and take this sucka out.
Doing so will yield the Charge Kick, which turns Mega Man’s normal slide move into a deadly attack. You’ll want this for later.
David Oxford (The Mega Man Network)
The trend of vehicular Robot Masters kicked off by Dive Man is really in full force for Mega Man 5. Following Gyro Man’s cool copter-ninja, we’ve got Charge Man, who looks like Thomas the Tank Engine on a bad day (and is awesome for it). Making him even better is that he’s a train that you fight… while riding a train! (Yo, dawg…)
Apparently, Dr. Wily designed him to look like a steam locomotive as a means of camouflage. How that’s supposed to work, only Wily knows for sure.
Also: Why has no one made a Quad City DJs/Charge Man remix yet?