MH3U Event Quest DLC 9/3 – The Greatest Hunter

Sep 10, 2013 // Yuri Araujo

And here we are, 6 months (26 weeks, to be more precise) after the release of  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate , playing the final downloadable quest for this title.

Tune in to  twitch.tv/capcomunity at  11am PT (or online at  Help D Lobby 10 ) to experience the quest called  The Greatest Hunter!

Are you ready for this quest? It’s Rathalos, followed by a Zinogre, then a Brachydios, an Ivory Lagiacrus and finishing up with a Savage Deviljho! (this one is always late to party, you know?)

I know I’m ready – cuz I did it already 😉 – so maybe I’ll try to spice things up by using a Heavy Bowgun for the fifth time?

Now where do we go from here? I mean, with the DLC streams. Well, first of all, let’s catch up on the MH3U Event Quests that we missed; after all, we didn’t start these till mid-June and we were traveling quite a few Tuesdays.

Also, I think this is a great chance to revisit some of the older games that also had DLC Event Quests with wacky parameters, don’t you think? Yes, I’m talking about the Freedom series… and that tiny Yian Kut-Ku!!