MH Mondays G: Wednesday Edition with producer Ryozo Tsujimoto at 2pm PT
Feb 13, 2013 // Yuri Araujo
::UPDATE:: the (awesome) stream is over, but you can watch the recorded version right here or embedded below.
I know it’s not Monday, but we’re still having a Monster Hunter live stream over at our Twitch channel , starting at 2pm PT … and there’s a very good reason for that:
It just so happens that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate producer Ryozo Tsujimoto is here in the office!! So he’ll be joining us for some hunts and interesting Monster Hunter knowledge/trivia you probably never heard of. Not to mention, he’s a really nice guy! Y’know, bringing us monster hunting games and such 😉
Also, we’ll be showing some multiplayer action for the first time! That’ll be local multiplayer, of course, with a Wii U and a couple of 3DSs.
See ya there!