Happy Jill Valentine’s Day
Feb 14, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Well, this seems like an obvious thing to do 🙂
I spent the past couple of days putting this little love letter to Ms Valentine together, hope you all enjoy!
As a grown ass man, I’m not afraid to admit Jill was my first video game crush – I admitted as much right here back in my editorial days. Something about the actual, live action girl representing this crude assemblage of polygons helped make her “real,” and hey, I was 15 when RE1 came out so that’s the perfect age to obsess over a fake girl. 😛
This line from the linked post sums up how I felt:
Samus was a space-age bounty hunter. Lara Croft was a millionaire globetrotting anthropologist. The aforementioned Chun Li was already in several games kicking ass all over the planet. And here was Jill, with her normal name, normal build and normal demeanor, trapped in the most abnormal of situations.
So that nostaliga fueled my desire to put this vid together, and hopefully stir within you some fond Jill memories as well.
Happy Valentine’s Day!