Mega May Week 1 poll results
Apr 07, 2014 // Minish Capcom
Have you voted in our Mega May poll ? If you haven’t, make your handheld Mega Man preference known! Whatever receives the highest number of votes will release first on 5/1, followed by the remaining Game Boy and Game Boy Color Mega Man titles.
We’re one week into the process and right now the top three look like this (in no particular order ):
Mega Man V
Mega Man Xtreme
Mega Man Xtreme 2
If any of those are NOT your choice, then vote ! If one of them IS your choice, then pester some friends to vote as well 😛
The poll ends on Monday 4/14, and the winner won’t be known until Thursday 5/1, when it launches on the North American 3DS Virtual Console.