Ace Attorney/Pharrell remix is a Happy Turnabout
Apr 08, 2014 // Chris
Probably the only legal ramifications this Top 40 jam can look forward to…
If you haven’t heard Pharrell’s “Happy” then you could definitely teach me a thing or two about advanced avoidance techniques. The song was featured in Despicable Me 2 and performed on the Oscars, neither of which I watched, and is played on pop radio stations across the country, which I don’t listen to. Yet this almost obnoxiously infectious tune seems to pop up everywhere else I go, so we probably shouldn’t be too surprised that it would eventually leak into Capcom territory.
And wouldn’t you know it?! The simple act of laying that song over a couple of those Ace Attorney orchestral/jazzy album rearrangements produces a strikingly similar, listenable result that’ll likely put pep in your step. So just put on a goofy hat and submit, because it ain’t like you’ll be escaping this song anytime soon! In fact, for even more Happyness, peep this cosplay parody featuring several characters from Capcom’s fightin’ past.