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Mega Man and Sonic team up for mega Archie crossover

Jul 10, 2012 // Minish Capcom

Remember that Archie panel we mentioned a few days ago? Turns out it’s not a “Mega Man, Sonic” panel but a “Mega Man AND Sonic” panel! The blue blur and blue bomber will in fact cross paths in a 12-part storyline that spans the Mega Man series as well as both Sonic comics.

Writer Ian Flynn continues his run on both franchises, and Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante reprises his artist role that helped make the Mega Man comic launch so successful. I assume we’ll hear more about this crossover later this week (during that panel , y’know), but at any rate, keep yer eyes peeled and of course check out the Mega Man comic every month.

This meetup starts in 2013 but in the meantime, get acquainted right here .