Greetings from EVO 2K12
Jul 07, 2012 // GregaMan
Hey there, Capcom Unity. Hope all you fighting game folks are either enjoying the EVO matches online or here with me at EVO. It took me awhile due to a front-desk fiasco, but I’m finally set up with internet here, for at least long enough to upload some photos and a little shaky-cam tour of the Capcom area (after jump).
This year’s main Capcom booth setpieces are Street Fighter X Tekken Vita with PS3 cross-play and the newly announced Marvel vs. Capcom Origins, which contains both Marvel vs. Capcom and Marvel Super Heroes, both gussied up with better visuals, new features, and online modes.
Meanwhile, the fight rages on into its second day on every front. It’ll be a slog to the top spot in the UMvC3 tournament. Will today’s excitement top yesterday’s S SFIV: AE drama? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. . . .
↑ Lining up for SFxT.
↑ Vita station.
↑ Fists flew at this location!
↑ All eyes on Ryu.
↑ We’ve been using this setup to record people’s Street Fighter “testimonials.” What’s your favorite SF memory?
↑ These lanyards are a hit!
↑ Ladies and gentlemen, Capcom’s own Karl.
↑ Mikeeb and Capcom alumnus Gerald!
↑ The Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collection. Pre-order today!
↑ One skilled warrior will drive away in this.
↑ Complete with Capcom branding.
↑ A brief history of the franchise.
↑ Not to brag, but this slice of pizza and American beer cost nigh on 18 dollars.