Last day for Remember Me dev questions AND new Unity badge
Apr 15, 2013 // Minish Capcom
Two recent activities in the Remember Me forums are about to end! The first was a thread asking for your favorite Capcom memories , and the second was a chance for you to pose questions to the game’s creative director!
For the first thread, we wanted to know your most cherished Capcom memories (Nilin’s a memory hunter, so I suspect she would find this quite interesting :3). To be eligible for the Memory Hunter badge ( ) you need to:
1 – Join the Remember Me group on Capcom Unity (this just means RM content will appear on your Unity Dashboard – useful!)
2 – Post in this thread with your favorite, most important or most inspiring Capcom memory
3 – Everyone who completes #1 and #2 will get this fetching Memory Hunter badge for the Unity profile
4 – Five posters in that thread will receive 2000 Unity Points, good towards any of our many raffles!
Brands: Remember MeTags: