And the two secret Capcom Arcade Cabinet games are…
Apr 15, 2013 // Chris
Purchasers of all 15 CAC will receive free of charge…
1943 Kai and Vulgus!
Several of you have wondered have wondered what the two secret games in the Capcom Arcade Cabinet would be, and many or you even guessed them correctly , but today we’re happy to officially reveal the duo of bonus games for the fans who bought all 15 titles in the Capcom Arcade Cabinet will receive absolutely free. Speaking of which, the fifth and final CAC Pack launches starting tomorrow on Xbox Live and PSN.
For a bit of background, 1943 Kai is an enhanced version of the timeless WWII flight shooter which was originally only available in Japan, and Vulgus just so happens to have the wonderful distinction of being the first arcade game developed by Capcom as a company proper. So, BAM: Two sought after pieces of gaming history fans who’ve been keeping up with the biweekly CAC drops should enjoy quite a bit.
And as a reminder, those of you who’ve been holding out for the half price, full CAC pack will also receive Vulgus and 1943 Kai for free beginning on May 21st. Not a bad deal for 17 remastered classics with online co-op, live leaderboards, Trophy/Acheivement support, integrated social media features and more.
Stay tuned, because we’re going to give out a couple more Unity-exclusive Capcom Arcade Cabinet Arcade sticks very soon. See full Capcom Arcade Cabinet details here . And don’t forget to go grab the first CAC Game Pack with FREE Black Tiger (Super Important: 360 owners must purchase Game Pack 1 to download futher content – ONLY $5!) Get to know the games in CAC Pack 1 via the video below.