In Defense of the Yo-Yo: Yo! Noid Featured In ScrewAttack
Jan 12, 2010 // jgonzo
Look, it may be the rose-tinted filter of nostalgia or something but I remember using my allowance to rent Yo! Noid at the local Blockbuster and having a helluva good time with it. Maybe it was because it was the first game I played immediately after the impenetrably dense Hydlide (bought solely because the Good Guys had it for cheap and my parents never paid full price for NES games) and I sought relief in something familiar and simple. Whatever the case may be, I had fun. But I can understand why people may think otherwise.
Zonic has pointed out that ScrewAttack just did another retro vault look, this time on Capcom’s very own Yo! Noid. Within minutes they start to tear down its ridiculousness but I have to disagree with one specific thing: the yo-yo as a weapon. They scoff at this, but have they not forgotten the inclusion of the yo-yo in other epic games? Startropics, Earthbound, the Goonies 2…all of these had characters rockin’ the yo-yo and taking down names.
In conclusion: yo-yos are good and Yo! Noid is fun. A fine addition to the Capcom library, if you ask me (which you certainly won’t, because who goes around asking if Yo! Noid is any good these days? No one).
And don’t get me started on the levels of innovation that M.C. Kids brought to the table…