Hunk assaults the UK office
Aug 06, 2013 // Neil Gortz
A few weeks back Richard Mumford dressed as Resi fan favourite Hunk burst out of the air vents and hurled tear gas at us untill we agreed to interview him. You can read his demands/answers and see more photos after the jump.
What drew you to the Hunk in the first place?
I’ve always had a special place in my heart for the Resident Evil franchise, it is the definition of survival horror to me, and there’s just something about the character of HUNK that I find especially appealing.
In the canon he’s a bit of an enigma but not only is he dressed like a total badass, but also unlike most characters who are either find themselves thrown into these situations purely by chance, or by their own machinations, this is HUNK’s 9-5.
He deals with escaped B.O.W’s or covert Umbrella missions and not only is he very competent at his job, but he’s very loyal to the company so he won’t betray you ala Wesker style.
Also not to mention the fact that he’s called “Mr. Death”. He’s the only survivor of his team to get the G-Virus from Birkin, but also makes it out of Raccoon City with a limited amount of time and resources in the secret 4th survivor game in Resi 2 presumably back to a very large paycheck.
What are people’s reactions to your cosplay?
Usually I got a positive reaction and seeing as in this costume I have at least three guns strapped to me somewhere at any given time, so when someone asks for a picture they get to pose as well so they get a bit more of a personalised souvenir.
Are you actually any good gaming as Hunk?
Well I owned the 4th survivor back when Tony Blair was in power, and I’m pretty good at the mercenaries mini game in Resi 4. There’s nothing quite like flashbanging a group of Ganados and Hunk Punting your way to victory,
Other than that I’m afraid he’s never had much of an impact in the Resident Evil universe’s main story, apart from when he does turn up, then things usually die.
What I would love to see is a game using Resident Evils two most underutilized characters, HUNK and Barry Burton. I would buy that. Or maybe as a character for the next Marvel Vs. Capcom?
How long did it take to put it all together?
Well I was able to get most of it together off the internet, over the last couple of years but it has gone through a few different renditions in its time.
For instance I got the U.S.S patch from the augmented reality event Capcom had for the release of Operation Raccoon City. I went down in full costume and was given it by one of the staff as a prize.
It was totally worth being chased by a Tyrant and eventually nuked by the Umbrella corporation at the end of the event to “tie up loose ends”.
Is this your first Capcom cosplay? What other characters are you drawn too?
Well I’ve cosplayed as HUNK a couple of times at various events around the country, but my next costume is probably Nicholai Ginovaef from Resident Evil Nemesis.
I find bad guys just generally have more fun, and much like HUNK he’s a survivor, that’s why I always let him get away at the end of Nemesis, because after being attacked by zombies, B.O.W’s, and being blown up in a petrol station I think he earned it.
I also have aspirations to make a Barry costume as a few friends of mine have some ideas for a Resi fan film.
Cheers Rich, the S.W.A.T team has been called…you’d best escape out this window.
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