Here’s a Blanka cosplayer to make up for the lack of posts on Unity

Jul 25, 2009 // Kramez

Seth, Shawn and the majority of the Capcom crew are still in San Diego, where they are being hampered by a combination of poor planning (we forgot the Capcom Unity digital camera again?!?!) and really atrocious internet connectivity at our booth (convention center internet does not like Macs?!?!?). Thank god for Frank and Emily — they get gold stars for keeping something happening here. Seth and Shawn and I will all do penance next week.

While we’re attempting to get our act together, I’m going to steal some Capcom-related content from other websites, such as our good friends at Kotaku , who managed to snap a picture of this awesome cosplaying Blanka dude who came by the Capcom booth a few times during the show.