Good news, more Mila! Resident Evil: Afterlife coming next September

Jul 25, 2009 // Kramez

Did you know that the Resident Evil movies are Sony Picture’s second most profitable movie franchise? Seems to be some sort of Spider-Man movies that hold their top spot, but the three RE movies have brought in hundreds of millions of dollars for Sony world-wide over the years. Kotaku alerted us to the fact that Paul W Anderson revealed he’ll be writing, directing and producing his wife, the spectacularly hot Mila Jovovich, in a new Resident Evil movie and that — get this! — the fourth film will be in 3D! Please have a shower scene, please have a shower scene, please have a shower scene… Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, the movie is called Resident Evil: Afterlife and is being designed as a series reboot, planned for release on September 17, 2010.

And now for a gratuitous Mila picture. Multipass!