Hall & OatsTales: A radical DuckTales remix
Jun 25, 2013 // Chris
An eerily similar baseline weaves together a the mashup you didn’t know you’ve been waiting 25 years for…
I probably don’t need to sing the praises of DJ Cutman to anyone here. After all, the dude’s produced so many glorious tributes to Capcom music , we probably should send him a check (or a tshirt – SOMETHING!) Well today… today we have a little something I’m going to call “A Quarter of a Century in the Making!” Ladies and Gentleducks, I present to you the Hall and Oates vs The Moon !
Ducktales Makes My Dreams Come True ft. Brentalfloss (Mashup) by Dj CUTMAN
Yep, thanks to Cutman and Brentalfloss , I think was can all agree that DuckTales’ Moon Theme and H&T’s “You Make My Dreams Come True” go together like “Guile’s Theme” and “Everything.” Note to radio DJs around the globe: I never wanna here this Hall and Oates song again without at least five “Woo-Hoos.”