E3 Celebrity Shirt Round-Up
Jun 11, 2009 // s-kill
Jonathan Holmes caught Jon Heder , aka Napoleon Dynamite, sporting e3’s hottest swag: the Tatsunoko vs Capcom shirt .
While these were an e3 ultra-sexclusive, you can still find one on eBay, for predictably outrageous prices . If you don’t win the auction, you can at least console yourself with the game itself . It’s harder to sport in da club , but comparatively resistant to spaghetti sauce.
Just how exclusive was this shirt? All our Unity invitees got them, but when Wu-Tang’s Raekwon , MC Supernatural , and Warren G stopped by the booth, they struck out.
NBC’s Chuck’s Chuck knew better than to even ask, but fortunately he’s a Dark Void fan and picked up one of their show exclusive jetpack shirts: