Devil May Cry Stream (Part 5) Imminent
Nov 30, 2011 // GregaMan
::Update:: Stream over! Sorry for all the death, but heyyyy, at least I rocked the Nightmare fight! ^^;; Anyway, you can watch the backlog vid after the jump.
The above image is just one of several glorious winning pieces from the Devil May Cry anniversary art contest that’s been going on in Europe for the last several months. We’ll have the whole list of winners and all their artwork shortly, but until then, tune into our stream of the original Devil May Cry, starting at 2PM Pacific (that’s just twenty minutes from now!)
Click the jump to view the stream and enter our live chat, wherein you may heckle or praise to your heart’s delight.
Wait, wait, take two:
Heckle or praise to your hearts deLIIIIIIIGHT!
Watch live video from Capcom-Unity on Justin.tv