Courts Rule that Zombies Have Rights Too
Feb 26, 2010 // s-kill
Sometimes the real world gets waaaaaay too close to Dead Rising 2:
WASHINGTON (AFP) – They’re said to utter little more than an occasional groan, but zombies — the blood-drenched monsters of Hollywood “B” movies — still have a right to free speech, a US court ruled this week.
An appeals court in the northern US city of Minneapolis, Minnesota on Wednesday allowed a group of zombies — or rather, several protesters costumed as such — to press ahead with their lawsuit against police who arrested them for disorderly conduct.
The appeals court overturned a lower court in finding that the group of seven “zombies” had been wrongfully detained during a 2006 shopping mall protest against consumerism.
Check the whole vaguely unbelievable story here, and thanks to Michael for the heads-up. What rights do you think zombies should have? I’d vote for their right to a humorous decapitation and/or flame-throwerization from me.