Bionic Commando Rearmed 2: remix contest reminder!

Aug 09, 2010 // MikeeB

Just a quick reminder that the deadline for the Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 “Make Something Radd” remix contest is this Wednesday, Aug. 11th (at 11:59 PM PST to be exact). And as a special bonus extension for Unity members, you can have until I boot up my computer and get my coca-cola induced caffeine fix the next morning to have your submissions in Innocent For complete deatils check out the contest page on our official website at www.bioniccommando.com/rearmed2/

Everyone put on your favorite Daft Punk/Deadmau5/favorite piece of DJ headgear and hit the turbo button on this one, because you’ve got 3 days left! This is your chance to create something awesome and have it featured in the full release of BCR2! We’ve got some good entries so far, but I wanna hear all of your mixes! Good luck! Exclamation points!!!