Awesome Mega Man desktop backgrounds from Japan
Nov 12, 2008 // Kramez
Over in Japan, Capcom is whipping Mega-fans into a froth of anticipation for Shooting Star Rockman 3 (aka “Mega Man Starforce 3”) for the DS. The folks involved on the Starforce team have built an extensive online home for the title, with the sort of detail and information that is, frankly, embarssingly missing from most of our game sites. Chances are you’re not going to be able to make heads nor tails from their wacky Kanji antics — since you are most likely a lazy American good-for-nothing like myself and have not bothered to learn another language ’cause all foreigners should learns themselfs propa Englush — but you do speak the international language of Cool Visuals. There are plenty of sights to be seen on their secret satellite, but make sure not to miss the amazing and frequently updated desktop wallpapers from the game.