1UP’s 25 More of the Most Badass Boss Fights of All Time Features Three Capcom Bosses
Mar 24, 2010 // jgonzo
About a year ago, 1UP wrote up a feature called The 25 Most Badass Boss Fights of All Time . In it, the only Capcom boss fight that was mentioned was Nemesis in Resident Evil 3. That’s it. Truly there were more Capcom boss fights that deserved mention!, we thought, and thus began a long and arduous letter writing campaign.
Many fingers suffered.
But it wasn’t all for naught! 1UP just posted an article, 25 More of the Most Badass Boss Fights of All Time , that features more Capcom boss fights:
+ Sigma from Mega Man X
+ Berial from Devil May Cry 4
+ El Gigante from Resident Evil 4
You can check out the full list here.
While I have your attention, dear readers, what Capcom boss fight do YOU think was pretty badass?